Who We Are

We are followers of Jesus and lovers of truth, beauty, and goodness, striving to live out our baptismal vow “to seek and serve Christ in all persons.” We are both saints and sinners, simul justi et peccatores—broken and weak, yet hopeful and exulting in the power of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ. Most essentially, we—and you—are created in the image of God, endowed with dignity, and loved by God more than we will ever be able to comprehend.

Our community consists of both undergraduate and graduate students, of Episcopalians and non-Episcopalians. We aim toward the classical Anglican ideal of “comprehensiveness,” which is an openness to a variety of theological perspectives, from Anglo-Catholic to Liberal to Evangelical. In practice, we embrace both the “bells and smells” of “high church” liturgy and the simplicity and passion of “low church” prayer and music. We welcome all who wish to join us on our journey of faith.

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